Tag Archive | Secretary of State

Obama European Missile Defense Decision: FAIL

President Obama’s announcement to scrap missile defense systems for Poland and the Czech Republic came on the 70th anniversary of the Russian invasion of Poland [Article – 1. EDITORIAL: Obama’s anniversary gift to Russia | 2. Obama not smooth on Gdansk | 3. Clinton: Not about Russia, but Iran 4. Russia’s Putin says U.S. shield decision positive].

History records:

On 17 September the Red Army crossed the Polish border in the east, in fulfilment of the secret agreement within the Nazi-Soviet Pact, and ended any prospect of Poland’s survival.

Historical reference: Invasion of Poland

The invasion, which was done in tandem with Nazi Germany, ushered in the most deadly and destructive war in world history. No other war before or after, has caused as much destruction of property and as many deaths as World War 2 did.

It shouldn’t be surprising to anybody that Obama, who is a product of those who taught leftist revisionist history, would be unaware of a moment in history that is indelibly marked in the hearts and minds of the Polish people. Another great moment in the annals of Obama foreign policy [Article – Barack Obama vows to ‘change the world’]. After all, part of his presidential campaign was run on repairing the world reputation of the United States: Read More…

Hillary Clinton May Be Next Secretary of State

The rumors abound online that President Elect Obama might be poised to offer SecState to his chief Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton.

As crazy as it may sound, the prospect doesn’t really bother me that much. She started off right on the War on Terror, tacked left when it looked like the politically popular thing to do–she is a Clinton, after all–and is now coming back to the correct conclusion about trying to destroy those that would destroy us. And on other issues, such as Iran, she’s been far, far closer to correct than many in her party, including The One himself.

While the prospect of a Democratic SecState doesn’t exactly fill me with glee (any more than a Democratic Administration does), Hillary is far, far preferable to, say, Secretary of State John Kerry.

I think that, for national safety and security reasons, I gotta cautiously support this appointment, if it actually happens.