Leftist Hate On Display—Right-Wingers Are Responsible For Holocaust Shooting?

Too bad this has to overshadow the death of a human being, but leftists are declaring war on conservatives and like-minded folks. I, for one, am going to fight back.

For your perusal:

Holocaust Museum Shooting Should Teach Conservatives To Tone Down Their Rhetoric

DAN GAINOR: Left Blames Holocaust Museum Attack on Conservatives

To those leftists who claim to be so tolerant and who claim to be so considerate of other people’s feelings, but who reveal themselves to be merchants of hate: So you think that the subhuman van Brunn was a “right-winged”, “Christian”, “conservative”, murdering lunatic? You are doing nothing but spreading falsehoods, misrepresentations and outright lies. You are proving yourselves to be the very people you accuse conservatives and “right-wingers” of being. You have the audacity and unmitigated gall to slander and blame conservatives for the subhuman von Brunn’s vile, despicable, murderous acts.

Upon further investigation, the subhuman von Brunn was a registered Democrat and not a Republican. Of course, political affiliation obviously doesn’t mean anything, especially these days. The murderer von Brunn is definitely not a “right-winger”. If he believed the events of 9/11 were an inside job, if he hates Christians and Jews, Bill O’Reilly, Fox News, George W. Bush and “neo-cons”—wouldn’t that make him more of a, oh I don’t know…LEFT-WINGER?!?! Rev. Jeremiah Wright says “Jews” are keeping him from President Obama The very fact that he hates Christians proves that he is not one. Even if he had professed to be a Christian after committing a senseless murder, he would have been betraying the very belief system he professed to be upholding (much like all of those murdering Islamist terrorists, whom you lefties would more readily excuse and defend). The subhuman von Brunn was absolutely not a conservative: You can refer back to why I don’t believe he was a “right-winger” for the answer to this one [Article – 1. Left wing could share the blame for deadly shooting at Holocaust Museum | 2. Holocaust Museum Shooter: Christian-Hating Socialist].

If you’ve read this far, you are most likely a reasonable person who has seen through the lies that left-wingers are spreading about Christians and conservatives regarding the subhuman James W. van Brunn. I thank you for your time and consideration.

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About wapiti307

Name: Chris A******** Occupation: Information Technology Education: AAS in Applied Service Management and AAS in Network Engineering Ideology: Conservative Political Affiliation: Republican-leaning Independent My hobbies and/or interests are sports, music, history, architecture, computers, web design, and of course, blogging.

7 responses to “Leftist Hate On Display—Right-Wingers Are Responsible For Holocaust Shooting?”

  1. Godless American says :

    “Fght bck” hmmm, r y pckng p yr gns? Wh y’ gnn kll Mr. Rght Wng xtrmst?

    (Disemvoweled by Admin. We don’t permit ad hominem arguments here. This is your only warning, try it again and you’ll be banned.)

    • wapiti307 says :

      First of all sir, you obviously failed to observe the blog rules and instead typically and predictably decided to label me as a “Right Wing Extremist”. How quick you are to attack. Instead of proving your point with valid arguments, you just make yourself look foolish. I believe I’ve proven my point.

  2. Godless American says :

    The only point you made is that you censor comments. Your blog, your choice. I don’t.

    • Conservative Wanderer says :

      Ahem. If you’d bothered to read the Comment Rules, you’d see that insulting any of the bloggers means you can be immediately banned. I was being generous in giving you a second chance–I am, after all, the Admin here, if the name didn’t give it away.

      Given your intransigence, however, I’ve reconsidered my original decision on the prior offense.

      In short, meet the Ban Hammer.


  3. wapiti307 says :

    Yes, indeed and no, I think not.