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Let The Firestorm Begin: Literary Promotional Booklet Claims Obama Born In Kenya

Please note, like Andrew Breitbart, I have never been a “birther.” However, I believe that Obama has through much of his adult life fictionalized — that is, lied about — many things about himself. It is in that spirit that I present this:

Breitbart News has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama’s then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, which touts Obama as “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.”

The booklet, which was distributed to “business colleagues” in the publishing industry, includes a brief biography of Obama among the biographies of eighty-nine other authors represented by Acton & Dystel.

It also promotes Obama’s anticipated first book, Journeys in Black and White–which Obama abandoned, later publishing Dreams from My Father instead.

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Obama’s Bribe To Keep Wright Quiet

Is anyone surprised that Obama wanted his loudmouthed anti-American preacher to keep quiet?

“[Obama] offered you money?”

“Not directly,” Wright said. “He sent the offer to one of the members of the church, who sent it to me.”

“How much money did he offer you?”

“One hundred and fifty thousand dollars,” Wright said.

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How A Sloppy Hit Piece Falls Apart

Yesterday, the Washington Post published a story about Mitt Romney supposedly bullying a presumably gay student when he was in high school, way back in 1965 (nearly 50 years ago). Today, that story is falling apart and causing a lot of questions the WaPo might find uncomfortable.

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Obama’s Enemies List

All you need to do to get on Obama’s enemies list is to donate to Romney… then he’ll publish your name publicly and call you names:

Richard Nixon’s “enemies list” appalled the country for the simple reason that presidents hold a unique trust. Unlike senators or congressmen, presidents alone represent all Americans. Their powers—to jail, to fine, to bankrupt—are also so vast as to require restraint. Any president who targets a private citizen for his politics is de facto engaged in government intimidation and threats. This is why presidents since Nixon have carefully avoided the practice.

Save Mr. Obama, who acknowledges no rules. This past week, one of his campaign websites posted an item entitled “Behind the curtain: A brief history of Romney’s donors.” In the post, the Obama campaign named and shamed eight private citizens who had donated to his opponent. Describing the givers as all having “less-than-reputable records,” the post went on to make the extraordinary accusations that “quite a few” have also been “on the wrong side of the law” and profiting at “the expense of so many Americans.”

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Media Matters Raison d’Etre Revealed: Attack Businesses, Wealthy People, and Christianity

Not that it’s any great surprise to anyone that hasn’t been living under a rock, but here it is:

When David Brock applied for tax-exempt status for Media Matters for America, he told the IRS exactly who his group would be fighting against: businesses, wealthy Americans and conservative Christians.

“Media Matters for America (MMA) believes that news reporting and analysis by the American media, with its eye on profit margin and preservation of the status quo, has become biased,” read the group’s application, obtained by The Daily Caller, “It is common for news and commentary by the press to present viewpoints that tend to overly promote corporate interests, the rights of the wealthy, and a conservative, Christian-influenced ideology.”

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AP Makes Dick Cheney Look Like Two-Face

Come on, AP, couldn’t you find a better picture of Dick Cheney to run for this story about him appearing at the WY state GOP convention than this one?

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Sorry, Associated Press, There Was No “Misunderstanding” By The Supreme Court On ObamaCare

The defense of ObamaCare is getting ever more desperate. Now they’re even turning to obvious logical fallacies (and even borderline falsehoods), trying to argue that the Justices might have “misunderstood” the oral arguments.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A possible misunderstanding about President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul could cloud Supreme Court deliberations on its fate, leaving the impression that the law’s insurance requirement is more onerous than it actually is.

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AP Chairman Praises Obama

So much for an objective and unbiased media:

“President Obama made history as the first minority to be elected president,” said [chairman of the Associated Press board Dean] Singleton. “Even many who opposed his election felt proud of our country as he took the oath of office.”

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Philly Papers Now Partially Owned By Democratic Officials

Note to self: from this point forward, trust Philadelphia papers about as much as you trust Pravda (emphasis added).

A group of local investors bought Philadelphia Media Network Inc., the parent company of The Inquirer, Philadelphia Daily News, and, Monday for $55 million, with up to an additional $10 million in working capital for operations. The deal represents the fourth ownership change for the media properties in less than six years.

Led by businessman Lewis Katz, 70, and insurance executive and Democratic leader George E. Norcross III, 56, the group purchased PMN from a collection of hedge funds and other financial firms that have owned the daily newspapers and their related website since they emerged from bankruptcy in October 2010.

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Peggy Noonan’s Second Thoughts

Speaking of enthusiasm shortfalls, former Republican turned Obamaite Peggy Noonan, whose paean to The One back in 2008 was likely responsible for changing the minds of some undecided voters, appears to be having second thoughts:

In terms of the broad electorate, I’m not sure he really has a relationship. A president only gets a year or two to forge real bonds with the American people. In that time a crucial thing he must establish is that what is on his mind is what is on their mind. This is especially true during a crisis.

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And I Thought Crosshairs On Political Things Was Bad, Part Two

In the wake of the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, the left told us time and time and time again that putting crosshairs on things like maps was bad, evil, incitement to violence, etc… so where’s the lefty outrage about this?

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Another Democrat Charged With Embezzling, Fraud

Do you think the MSM will cover this story?

A longtime California Democratic campaign treasurer embezzled at least $7 million from as many as 50 clients including politicians, local officials and other political entities in a scheme that continued for more than 10 years, according to a new court filing by federal prosecutors.

Kinde Durkee, who spent two decades working for scores of campaigns in California and was Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s campaign treasurer, was charged with five new counts of mail fraud in the court filing late Tuesday.

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George Zimmerman Is A Registered Democrat

Once again, the lefties’ transparent attempt to smear conservatives with a tragic event has fallen flat on its face when the truth comes out:

The individual at the center of the controversial Trayvon Martin shooting is a registered Democrat.

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Where Is The Outrage Over Miss State Shooting?

We’ve all been treated to lots of outrage over the Trayvon Martin shooting, but there was another shooting of a college student over the weekend.

A student was shot to death at a Mississippi State University residence hall late Saturday night, prompting campus-wide alerts as authorities searched for suspects who fled the scene. The university held a press conference Sunday morning at 10 a.m. to release more details.

Why didn’t this one make the national news? Why haven’t Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson express their outrage? Why hasn’t President Obama spoken out about this shooting?

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Former VP Cheney Gets Heart Transplant; Lefties Respond With Hate

I knew this would happen as soon as I saw the news of Mr. Cheney’s transplant this weekend. I apologize for posting such crude language, but these are unedited tweets:

“Whoever donated their heart to dick cheney: fuck you,” tweeted @yokelesy.

Considering that the heart donor is no longer living, that seems a bit difficult, @yokelsey.

“Cheney’s black soul keeps rotting out his heart. Fuck that bitch,” @SolidGlo waxed poetic.

“Why in the contumacious fuck are we wasting a perfectly good heart on dick cheney?” tweeted @mr_senor_pete

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Media Matters Also Wants To Throw Out The First Amendment

Hot on the heels of the earlier LA story (which I’ll be updating in a moment, because they passed the resolution) comes this one:

Rush Limbaugh’s opponents are starting a radio campaign against him Thursday, seizing upon the radio star’s attack of a Georgetown law student as a “slut” to make a long-term effort aimed at weakening his business.

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LA Set To Throw First Amendment Away (Update: They Did It.)

Good old “tolerant” lefties want to take away the free speech rights of those that disagree with them… again!

City Council members were one step closer on Wednesday to becoming the first in the nation to adopt a resolution condemning certain types of speech on public airwaves.

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Gas Prices Highest Since 1990

Gas prices under President Obama are now even higher than they were under President Bush the younger, whom lefties castigated for high gas prices:

The average price of a gallon of regular is now $3.87, the highest recorded price in March. The average price is up nearly 4 cents from a week ago, and over 30 cents from a year ago, according to the Department of Energy, as more drivers face gas prices of $4 a gallon or more across the country.

Last week, the average gas price was $3.83 a gallon, the previous record according to data going back to 1990.

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Herman Cain And IceCreamGate

Stop the presses! ABC News has found the ultimate reason why Herman Cain is not qualified to be President!

Now leading in at least one national poll, Cain is frequently asked if he is the new political flavor of the month. Cain’s canned response is: “Haagen-Dazs black walnut tastes good all the time.”

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“Time To Kill The Wealthy” Says Email To New York Legislators

Remember all the kerfuffle over Sarah Palin’s “crosshairs”? Think that’ll be repeated with this story?

Several influential New York state lawmakers have received threatening mails saying it is “time to kill the wealthy” if they don’t renew the state’s tax surcharge on millionaires, according to reports.

“It’s time to tax the millionaires!” reads the email, according to WTEN in Albany. “If you don’t, I’m going to pay a visit with my carbine to one of those tech companies you are so proud of and shoot every spoiled Ivy League [expletive] I can find.”

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