Tag Archive | bipartisan

Why Should The GOP Show Up At The Obama Health Care Summit?

President Obama will be staging a televised production known as a “health care summit”.  To be sure, the leftists in attendance will deliver their spoon-fed talking points and make sure to mention the GOP as being the party of “no” at least 100 times or more (exaggeration?) [Article – Let’s scream at each other about health reform].

If leftists like Obama, Pelosi, Reid, et al want to use the summit as a platform to attack and smear the GOP and I think it would be a mistake on the Republicans’ part if they don’t think that is what will happen, I say we should let them spout talking points given to them by their left-wing base and rehash worn-out rhetoric from the past year for all the viewers to see and hear.

What the Republicans need to do is be concise, direct, and non-confrontational.  They should state their case before the American people and offer up their ideas, which have been constantly turned down by Obama and congressional Democrats.  The Obama administration has been so kind as to post them on the White House’s web site, so let’s see if Obama can put his money where his mouth is [A Bipartisan Meeting on Health Reform].

It shouldn’t take long for the Republicans to find out if the “summit” is just a forum to espouse leftist propaganda and Republican-bashing sputum.  If that turns out to be the case, they need to stand up, turn toward the door, and walk right out.

Reference links:

Democrats stifle Republican health care plans

Conservative Health Care Reform—Fixing What Is Broken Without Increased Government Control And Higher Taxes

Senate Doctors Show And Submission Of A Conservative Health Care Plan

Ignored: H.R. 3218 – Improving Health Care For All Americans Act

Senator Mike Enzi Proposes A Health Care Reform Bill—Ignored By Democrat Majority

ObamaCare Plans Still Lead To Government-Run Health Care

As they stand, here are the health care plans that either made it to the U.S. House or U.S. Senate floor or are undergoing alterations in committee:

America’s Healthy Future Act of 2009

Affordable Health Choices Act (Kennedy Bill)

H.R. 3200 – America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009

Quite a few people have read and researched the legislation. They have provided their analyses and have provided information from their analyses in Internet-friendly form. Take your pick from the plethora of links provided below: Read More…

America’s Healthy Future Act Of 2009 – Max Baucus’ Attempt At Compromise

For your reading pleasure:

America’s Healthy Future Act of 2009

CBO Analysis: America’s Healthy Future Act of 2009

JCT Analysis: America’s Healthy Future Act of 2009

You have to give Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) credit. He tried his hand at compromise by crafting a health care reform bill and was met with opposition, not only from Republicans, but from fellow Democrats as well [Article – Baucus Unveils $856 Billion Health Care Plan, Predicts ‘Broad’ Support]. Now he should somewhat know how John McCain feels.

Here’s what will have to be in or associated with a health care reform bill for it to be accepted by the majority of the people of the United States of America:

  • No government or public option. Health care co-ops are still a scaled-down version of government or public option-style health care.
  • Pretax and non-taxable medical savings accounts.
  • A crackdown on medical over-billing practices.
  • Tort reform.
  • Better controls against fraud and waste.
  • Non-discriminatory insurance coverage.
  • No strings attached incentives for those who want to attend medical school and become health care practitioners or providers.
  • “Deficit-neutral”.
  • No tax increases.

If there ever comes to be a bill that exists with the bullet-pointed provisions, the American people will support it. Otherwise, it’s back to the drawing board, Senator Baucus.

Censorship In The U.S. House Of Representatives

A couple of days ago, Congressman John Carter (R-TX) was interviewed by Fox News and it was discovered that a so-called “bipartisan” congressional group called the “Franking Commission” is censoring the communications of certain members of U.S. Congress [Reference – FRANKING COMMISSION: About the Commission | Article – GOP Not Allowed to Say ‘Government-Run Healthcare’]. Here is the interview:

As Congressman Carter pointed out, he is not campaigning for another politician or for re-election. So why is the Franking Commission purposely violating Congressman Carter’s First Amendment rights? Carter implies that it has happened to other members of the U.S. House as well, as the following videos reveal: Read More…

ObamaCare Abortion Coverage

According to U.S. House Representative Joe Pitts, abortion coverage is a minimum health care plan requirement for anybody who wants to sign on with the public health care “option” [Press Release – Rep. Pitts: Healthcare Bill Contains Hidden Abortion Mandate]. This stipulation in the recently-proposed health care legislation has set off bipartisan outrage [Article – Health care bill drawing bipartisan fire over abortion funding].

First ladies and gentlemen, please read what the minimum or “essential” benefit requirements consist of and what the duties of the so-called “Health Benefits Advisory Committee” would be, as contained in the document taken from the pages of H.R. 3200 below:

H.R. 3200 Subtitle C Sec. 121 pp. 25-35

Note what the minimum requirements are defined as on pages 27 and 28 of H.R. 3200: Read More…

Snowe Working On Bipartisan Health Care Bill

Senator Olympia Snowe wants bipartisanship, even if it means transforming the name “Republican” into “Democrat Lite”.  In an  Associated Press interview, Snowe said that a government-run plan that would take effect if the private insurance market fails to deliver affordable coverage could bridge the partisan divide that threatens to derail President Barack Obama‘s efforts to reform the system. “If you establish a public option at the forefront that goes head-to-head and competes with the private health insurance market … the public option will have significant price advantages,” said Snowe.

This is wonderful. Now we know which side of the issue so-called “neo-con”, “moderate”, flavor-of-the-month “Republicans” are on. The same old RINO behavior from Senator Snowe. She should have joined Arlen Specter in switching to the Democrat party. Senator Snowe has worked and voted against her own party more frequently than President Obama changes his mind. What should really set of multiple alarms is that Senator Snowe is working with Senator Chuck “I Love to Hear Myself Talk” Schumer to craft a bipartisan health care bill, which is slated to emerge next month [Article – AP Interview: Snowe seeks bipartisan health bill].

Let’s start melting the U.S. Capitol switchboard and filling senatorial E-mail servers because it is going to be just as much of a fight against socialist, government-controlled health care as it is against eco-Marxist, cap and trade legislation.